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Welcome to our website

*This site was created by Craig Nicholas from Durban South Africa, for bromeliad enthusiasts in South Africa and most importantly to help further popularize this magnificently unique and colourful group of plants around the country. We hope to achieve this by showcasing the wide variety of bromeliads on the global market and making them available to the South African public. We will be including links to other local and international sites to further our bromeliad communities understanding and desire to learn as much as possible about these exquisite plants.

Neo Big Pink

Neo Blockbuster

Neo Jeanette

Their symmetrical form, leaf variations in both texture and colour make them a very versatile landscape plant, not to mention their hardiness and durability in any garden setting. Even though they are exotic, they are very popular with the indigenous birdlife such as sunbirds for the sweet nectar in their flowers as well as their tanks filled with water making a natural birdbath.


Bromeliads are found in the tropical to temperate regions of South and North America with only one species having being discovered in tropical West Africa. There are approximately 3200 species divided into 58 genera and thousands of hybrids including many bigeneric crosses. Tillandsia’s, also known as airplants are included under the list of bromeliad genera. They make great displays on tree trunks and pieces of old driftwood.

Bromeliads are growing hugely in popularity globally at an ever increasing rate. There are specialist nurseries in the USA, Hawaaii, Australia , New Zealand and Thailand whose focus is on propagating and hybridizing new lines of plants. There is a constant flow of newly named hybrids being introduced to the worldwide market making bromeliad collecting exciting as there is always another plant on ones wishlist to obtain.

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